
6 Months!

Our little Matilda is 6 months old!  I can’t believe that it has gone by this fast, but then I realize how tired I am and I remember.  Matilda is only sometimes interested in sleeping completely through the night but that is OK, since it’s not too bad feeding her at midnight and 5am.  Seeing her sweet little face early in the morning is a blessing and I will miss it one day.

Overall, Matilda has been the happiest baby, smiling all the time and laughing at herself, big sister, mom, and dad.  She loves to touch and feel anything that is within her reach (like clawing at your nose and pulling your hair).  Show her a spoon and her mouth will immediately open in anticipation of her first bite of baby food.  Matilda is very observant of the world around her.  She never wants to miss something that her sister is doing. 

(Kirk thinks this hat makes her look like a bird)

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