
I'm Making Myself Hungry Again

Just a couple food updates...

The other week we had some great lamb from Kincaid's, so we grilled it up with a nice dry rub, along with some corn from the farmers' market, and homemade pesto sauce with some whole wheat spaghetti (we have a freezer full of "pesto cubes" thanks to a bountiful amount of basil). It was all incredibly delicious, hence a post about it! Lamb is definitely one of my favorite meats; I can't get enough of it.

This weekend, needing to use up the heavy cream and whole milk leftover from our feast with the Overhisers, I made another new ice cream, this time with an even better ingredient from our garden (I should have made this for the garden feast last weekend). Since we have lots of mint growing, I threw together a mint frozen custard, and it was really great! Definitely very minty, and a lot fresher tasting than the overly-sweetened mint ice cream you get at the store (and not fake green!).

Of course, we had it plain, but then also decided to jazz it up with our favorite topping...chocolate! The best mint-chocolate chip ice cream I've ever had!

1 comment:

Alex said...
